
55% of consumers would pay up to 25% extra for their favorite brand, shows this year's Superbrands survey. The partner in the survey is the Market Research Institute GfK Bulgaria. See the TOP20 brands here.

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Според последни медицински проучвания*, дори 1% дехидратация оказва отрицателно въздействие както върху настроението, така и върху концентрацията и възможностите ни да се справяме със задачите в ежедневието. Повече от 2% загуба на вода в тялото може да доведе до нарушена краткотрайна памет, да предизвика затруднения с фокусирането и координацията на работните процеси. Ако изпитвате трудности в работата, замислете се дали пиете достатъчно вода през деня. Това може да има ключо...

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"My Green City" gives a second life to plastic bottles (

Within a month, 10 bus stops in Sofia will have additional functionality. Special containers for separate collection of plastic waste are embedded in existing facilities and invite: "Give your plastic bottle the chance to live again." The unusual initiative is part of the 12-year old campaign "My Green City", organized by Coca-Cola in Bulgaria in partnership with ECOPACK Bulgaria and Sofia Municipality. The aim of the initiative is to show that together...

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For the third time, Prestige96 won the "Company of the Year" award for "Leadership, Sustainable Management Model and Human Capital Development".   The "Company of the Year" awards are being organized for the fifth consecutive year by Bulgaria Business Review, Business Lady Magazine and Business Lady Club. A total of 20 companies, institutions and the media received recognition and awards for the efforts made to develop human capital, t...

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The ceremony distinguishes the best companies in different industries by giving voice to their achievements and focusing public attention on innovative and successful governance models.   Coca-Cola Hellenic Bulgaria's socially responsible policy focuses on two main areas - youth development through the Youth Empowered program and environmental protection through the 12-year history of My Green City.   More...

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